10\/30\/2024 - Go from surviving to thriving + exclusive offer!<\/a><\/div>
05\/29\/2024 - Taking care of your people<\/a><\/div>
02\/14\/2024 - Accountability after goal-setting<\/a><\/div>
11\/01\/2023 - Battle burnout, plus trainings + new book<\/a><\/div>
07\/13\/2023 - Meet our trainers!<\/a><\/div>
05\/10\/2023 - Hire equitably and partner with us!<\/a><\/div>
03\/13\/2023 - Join us for an exclusive Ed Sector Crash Course!<\/a><\/div>
02\/08\/2023 - Make the most of performance reviews + a partner spotlight<\/a><\/div>
11\/09\/2022 - 3 ways to foster belonging<\/a><\/div>
08\/17\/2022 - Multi-tasking doesn\u2019t work \u2014 3 tools to focus masterfully<\/a><\/div>
05\/11\/2022 - Rest is revolutionary, plus webinar and hotline info<\/a><\/div>
04\/06\/2022 - New trainings for edu leaders and 3 ways to boost staff retention<\/a><\/div>
06\/10\/2021 - Building a strong offboarding process<\/a><\/div>
05\/13\/2021 - Finishing Strong: Practices to End Well and Learn From This SY!<\/a><\/div>
04\/15\/2021 - Hiring the leaders you need<\/a><\/div>
03\/11\/2021 - Navigating tough decisions equitably and with heart<\/a><\/div>
02\/11\/2021 - Boost your team retention with skip-level meetings!<\/a><\/div>
01\/14\/2021 - How to retain a strong team<\/a><\/div>
12\/03\/2020 - Try out our best practices for powering down before winter break<\/a><\/div>
11\/19\/2020 - Is your team struggling with project management right now?<\/a><\/div>
11\/04\/2020 - Post-election resources for managers and leaders<\/a><\/div>
10\/29\/2020 - Announcing the Ed Equity newsletter archive (and reminder about next week's training)!<\/a><\/div>
10\/22\/2020 - Addressing structures and systems causing harm in your organization<\/a><\/div>
10\/15\/2020 - Calling in your peers when they\u2019re causing harm<\/a><\/div>
10\/08\/2020 - Fiercely and equitably advocating for your team<\/a><\/div>
10\/01\/2020 - Designing celebration, momentum, and joyful moments for your team<\/a><\/div>
09\/10\/2020 - Ed Equity: Building trust and safety with your team members<\/a><\/div>
09\/03\/2020 - Ed Equity:\u00a0Sharing Power and Seeking Feedback<\/a><\/div>
08\/27\/2020 - More than words: Black Lives Matter ALIVE<\/a><\/div>
08\/20\/2020 - Look Back to Move Forward: Doing an Equity Debrief of SY2020<\/a><\/div>
08\/13\/2020 - Making the implicit explicit for your antiracist commitment<\/a><\/div>
08\/06\/2020 - Planning to Live Your Antiracist Values in SY2020-2021<\/a><\/div>
06\/25\/2020 - Ed Equity:\u00a0About that vacation you said you were taking\u2026<\/a><\/div>
06\/18\/2020 - Ed Equity:\u00a0Reinventing Ourselves and Our Schools<\/a><\/div>
06\/11\/2020 - So, what next?<\/a><\/div>
06\/11\/2020 - So, what next?<\/a><\/div>
06\/11\/2020 - So, what next?<\/a><\/div>
06\/04\/2020 - We\u2019re here with you.<\/a><\/div>
05\/28\/2020 - Preparing for a Remote Summer (Hiring & Onboarding)<\/a><\/div>
05\/28\/2020 - Preparing for a Remote Summer (Hiring & Onboarding)<\/a><\/div>
05\/28\/2020 - Preparing for a Remote Summer (Hiring & Onboarding)<\/a><\/div>
05\/21\/2020 - Preparing for Fall: Scenario Planning, Financial Contingencies, and the \u201cPeople\u201d Side of Change<\/a><\/div>
05\/21\/2020 - Preparing for Fall: Scenario Planning, Financial Contingencies, and the \u201cPeople\u201d Side of Change<\/a><\/div>
05\/21\/2020 - Preparing for Fall: Scenario Planning, Financial Contingencies, and the \u201cPeople\u201d Side of Change<\/a><\/div>
05\/14\/2020 - Ed Equity:\u00a0Making equitable and inclusive decisions under pressure<\/a><\/div>